Showing 6 Result(s)

New Health Insurance Plan Saves Thousands

ADVERTISEMENT Are you aware that your health insurance rates could be significantly lower? These plans are only available to those in qualified zip codes. Up until recently the only way to find out about these plans was to call each insurance company individually, and then you would have to choose a plan from there. This …

Why Did No One Tell Seniors About This New Car Insurance Rule? ADVERTISEMENT — There is a new policy that most senior drivers don’t know about. If more people took advantage of this policy, drivers could save tons of money!  If You: Live In A Qualified Zip Code Are Currently Insured Drive Less Than 50 …

New Medicare Plan Saves Thousands

The future for Medicare looks grim. Co-pays, costly prescriptions, and high deductibles are set to increase. However, if you’re on Medicare and live in a qualified zip code, you can get many of these out-of-pocket costs reduced to nothing. It takes just 5 minutes and it’s 100% free to check. Everyone knows Medicare is confusing, …

New Medicare Guide Saves Thousands

The future for Medicare looks grim. Co-pays, costly prescriptions, and high deductibles are set to increase. Everyone knows Medicare is confusing, but new technology makes the experience extremely simple. For example, sites like will provide you with a easy to download guide and to help you understand the basics of medicare and once you …

Why Did No One Tell Drivers About This? ADVERTISEMENT Important notice to all drivers – Statistics show that many people are paying too much for car insurance and don’t realize they are being wrongfully overcharged. State rules demand that you have insurance, however it doesn’t have to be expensive. Drivers that have not received a ticket …